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Step-by-Step: Achieving Admission to Nursing School With a Low GPA

Step-by-Step: Achieving Admission to Nursing School With a Low GPA

Nursing schools can be highly competitive for applicants and if you are wondering can a low GPA help your chance of entry into nursing school then this blog is for you. When contemplating nursing school admission requirements with an average GPA or lower than anticipated GPA, know there are multiple components that contribute to making an application stand out – GPA being one key aspect. Despite your GPA being below expectations, there’s still hope of reaching your career in nursing.

You might be asking how you can gain admission with low grades after graduating high school – keep reading to discover more information. This guide will address frequently asked questions regarding GPA and provide you with insight into how you can apply to nursing school with an inadequate GPA.

How to Apply to LPN Schools Despite a Low GPA?

With a low GPA, you can still pursue your dream of admission to nursing school by following these top five steps.

Request Additional Credit

Consider approaching teachers for extra credit if your GPA doesn’t qualify you to enter nursing school. Enrolling in medical assistant programs, your teachers are there to support and assist in meeting your objectives even though it can seem intimidating. They recognize how grade levels will shape your future medical career goals. After explaining your situation and the grades needed as well as willingness for additional assignments, they may provide some direction or options that might work in your favor.

Evaluate Your Choices

At nursing schools with higher rankings, admission standards tend to be stricter. More competitive schools may demand GPAs of at least 3.8 from applicants while most only need 3.0 as a minimum requirement. Searching for nursing programs that accept low GPAs or nursing schools with low GPA requirements might be worth your while if your GPA falls significantly short of minimums. Below are colleges with relaxed minimum GPA requirements:

  • The required GPA at Verve College Chicago is 2.0.

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Consider carefully the diploma you want to pursue: a practical nursing program in a nursing field typically has lower GPA requirements ranging between 2.0 and 2.8; however, LPNs offer greater potential and pay.

Worried that choosing nursing schools with lower rankings will compromise the quality of your education? Take comfort in knowing the LPN program by Verve College Chicago still provides all of the knowledge and training necessary for becoming a nurse.

If Not, Make a Stellar Application

Additionally to submitting transcripts for review by admissions committees, additional materials such as personal statements, additional essays, and volunteer or employment histories as well as letters from recommenders as well as your SAT and ACT test results are likely required in your application package for admissions committee review.

Recognize That Sometimes the Easy Path Isn’t the Correct One

Before applying to nursing schools, consider earning additional diplomas or certifications that could enhance your candidacy for admissions, open doors to greater employment opportunities, and give clinical experience.

Admissions committees place more importance on your medical program grades, your commitment to nursing as a field, and whether or not you already possess some of the essential skills. Before enrolling in nursing school application, it may be worthwhile working toward various certifications:

  • A Certified Medical Assistant (CNA) Certification: It takes four to twelve weeks, and during that time you can get experience helping and working with registered nurses.
  • A Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Degree: Become a licensed practical nurse to work as a nurse under the supervision of registered nurses, usually takes 14-15 months to complete.

Consider A Gap Year

If you know you want to pursue nursing medical education, taking a gap year could help solidify your determination to do so and strengthen your application for admissions committees despite an otherwise disappointing GPA. By finding employment or volunteer experiences that enrich both yourself and others, fulfilling employment or volunteer experiences could add valuable experience that would strengthen your resume while convincing admissions committees of their decision not to admit you into their educational programs.

As part of your efforts to raise your GPA and become a more desirable applicant, signing up for general educational path classes at your community college could also help likewise if any unfinished or failed prerequisites must be fulfilled. This option could prove highly advantageous.


Imagine having to depend on your high school grades for your future success and admission into various medical schools based on them. GPA plays a hugely crucial role in college applications and should therefore be carefully taken into consideration before selecting colleges of interest.

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Even with high expectations of your GPA, things don’t always go according to plan, therefore it is vital that you be flexible. With that said, this guide’s instructions can still help you meet your goals as a nurse. If you are based in Illinois and looking for nursing schools near me, then Verve College Chicago is a prime option for nursing education and training.

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